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Features & Projects

Here are some highlights of my artistic journey.

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Yara Art Gallery, 2018

I embarked on my artistic journey as I held my very first art show with Yara Art Gallery in Brooklyn. This momentous occasion marked the beginning of my creative exploration and set the stage for what was to come.


Flower Eyewear Interview, 2018

I had the incredible opportunity to be featured on Drew Barrymore's Eyewear page, where I was interviewed about my artwork. It was an amazing experience to have my work recognized and showcased on such a prominent platform.

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Nike Cultivate Project, 2019

 I was honored to be selected as an artist to collaborate with Nike in creating a unique sneaker that tells a captivating story. It was an exciting opportunity to combine my artistic vision with the iconic Nike brand, and I am proud of the final product that resulted from our collaboration.


ArtGroove, 2024

After a long absence from the art scene, I made a triumphant return by showcasing my artwork at ARTGROOVE, in a prestigious Chelsea gallery. It was an amazing experience to unveil my latest creations to a captivated audience and connect with  artists and art enthusiasts. The exhibition marked a significant milestone in my artistic journey, reigniting my passion and reaffirming my commitment to the world of art.

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